Thursday, November 09, 2006

I started work very early this morning. Polk, the company I work for, was hosting an ethnicity seminar. So interesting to have the presenters identify how different groups shop and what is important to them.

When I got back to my home office, I was informed by my children that the weekend has begun. They are out of school tomorrow.

Sometimes I think we should bury all our money in a hole & go back to
enjoying life again, he said. It'd probably be a good idea to make a map of
where the hole was just in case it didn't work out though.

----- The Story People

Sometimes it has to be okay to crave the kind of simple approach to live enjoyed by our children. This working for a living isn't all it is cracked up to be. I guess it all depends on how you choose to view your life. Do I acknowledge the blessings of my life or focus on the pebble in my shoe.

Enough for now. Love to all.

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