Friday, February 23, 2007

This should be a quick post today but I guess I want to confess. Last night was Spencer's scouting "Blue and Gold" banquet. So what's to confess. I really dislike Pack meetings. I know, I's a great place for families to go and have fun together but honestly I always feel a bit lost and usually end up making some excuse to leave early. Maybe it is the lack of chick chat.

The sisters who run our cub scouts are amazing. They plan serious cool stuff for the boys. I don't dare write this for fear. The old saying, "from my lips to God's ear...." Den mother is one calling I would have a hard time accepting.

Anyway, last night was a cake competition. Spence and I built a volcano cake (as did 6 other families) but it looked cool and Spence won Best Exploding Lava. Here is what the cake looked like..well almost.
Enough for to all.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007