Friday, April 20, 2007

I took a personal development course last weekend called the Landmark Forum. It was really a boost to my awareness of how I react to situations in my life. There have been so many times when I have been called on to lead groups of people, either in work or in the church. And while I have always been flattered by being chosen, I have always struggled with managing others. I have been frequently dissapointed in the committment of others to the task. In addition, I have exhibited a type of arrogance and superiority, believing that I was a better person for being willing to work harder, go the extra mile, etc. Honestly, what a crock! At a certain level I have not been willing to acknowledge my lack of skill in communicating honestly with my staff or those called to serve with me. I have not been particulary compassionate in my characterization of others and have been so willing to blame them for the lack of cohesiveness of the team--shying away from conflict because I wanted others to like me. Now don't assume I will change this overnight, after all I have had 46 years of seeing the world this way. But it is freeing to see my contribution from a different perspective and to have the opportunity to change and perhaps enjoy leading/managing. What a great opportunity!

Enough for to all.