Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I am a bit obsessed with blogging. True to my compulsive nature, once I start with something, I must buy the toys, wear the T-Shirt and completely exhaust myself learning about how to do this until I am bored and can move on. I am not there yet. Last night I drug all the family to Walmart (cheap with little political conscience) to buy a new digital camera. I have a Video Camera and a camera on my phone, but no I need one with better megapixels and features. These are some of my first photos. Get a load of my handsome husband, wacky son and my darling daughter. Michaela came to me last night with concerns about how to get gum off her face. I shared with her the secret to remove gum--PEANUT BUTTER. She decided it was photo worthy. This child provides such humor in my life.

Don't you hear it? she asked
& I shook my head no & then she started to
dance & suddenly there
was music everywhere & it went on for a very long time & when I finally
found words all I could say was thank you.

-The Story People

I am also blessed to have a great husband. He has been so supportive through these last 12 years. When I look around, it reminds me that the Lord knows me and helped to find a man who could help me grow. I am grateful for him.

Marriage is our last, best chance to grow up. -Joseph Barth

Love to all. Enough for now...

1 comment:

carrie pearson said...

Glad to see you are catching up - but no need to obsess too much. Did you also buy photoshop so you can make a banner? I am going to figure that out and I will let you know.