Wednesday, December 06, 2006

One day while surfing, I found this interesting NPR site. I love the different prospectives and find them inspiring. I have added the link to my page. Check this out. What I believe changes from day to day as life presents me with opportunities to learn. It is interesting to consider if we spend our time based on what we believe. If I believe my family is eternal, do I spend my energy working together to get there or watching reruns of Law and Order and The Office (for the Pearsons). I would love to submit an essay to this site but suspect what I believe is not all that remarkable.

I do believe that I am responsible for my response to my life. I believe that God knows what will refine me as a person and will continue to provide experiences that test and try until I am able to embrace the changes he has planned for me. I believe in the spirit of goodness within each of us that seeks to do right. I believe my life has meaning and that our children watch how we live more than what we say.

I believe that sharing what we believe has value and contributes to the greater good in the world. I believe acting on our beliefs brings harmony to our souls and aligns us with the Godliness that exists in each of us. I believe that while I have not been given everything I want (which is transitory), I have been given what I need.
Story People Quote for the Day:
I've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who I'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who I am
Enough for now...Love to all.

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