Thursday, May 17, 2007

Since I don't have a photo to celebrate Steve's birthday. I thought I would post one of Spence and Michaela that seems to fit.

Today is my brother Steve's 48th birthday. I dedicate this post to Steve.

Happy Memories and Things I Love About Stephen Paul Smith

1. Night games growing up. Mostly Hide and Go Seek and Kick the Can.

2. Steve was quite a bike rider as a kid. I remember him returning home after 50 mile rides.

3. Steve is wonderfully musical. I remember him building a dulcimer when he was in High School.

4. I always like to sing with Steve.

5. Steve and I selling hangers (he knows the significance).

6. Steve and I both played the cello in Jr. High.

7. The summer Steve and I returned to California when we stayed with the Websters.

8. Steve walking with me in Walk-a-thons.

9. Mormon Night at Disneyland.

10. Steve and I hanging out in St. George and Fish Lake.

11. Steve wrote great letters from his mission and sent funny rambling tapes to me on my mission.

12. Steve is very mechanical. He has always had the ability to see how things fit together.

13. Steve visiting DC.

14. Steve was pretty fearless as a young adult. Loved repelling, hangliding, would try anything.

15. Steve is a great conversationalist. He is not judgemental and he really seeks to build others up.

16. Steve loves to share his toys and talents.

17. Steve is a much loved Uncle and he insists on being called UNCLE Steve

18. Steve married a great girl.

19. Steve is a great father and takes his parenting very seriously.

20. Shopping at Home Depot with Steve for moulding.

21. Many lunches with Steve and my kids.

22. Visiting with Steve in St. George.

23. Steve taking Spence and Michaela for a night hike.

24. Steve's willingness to help me with anything I ask and for always wanting to hang out together.

25. I am so grateful to have Steve as my brother and my friend. His loving ways are a great example to me. He loves family and makes every event together more fun for everyone. I hope my son grows up to be much like Uncle Steve. Happy Happy Birthday Stevie dear!!!!!!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

I had the most interesting conversation with a colleague last Friday. I am working with one of our consultants and he shared with me that he had investigated the church around 10 years ago and was two days away from his baptism when he read a passage in the Book of Mormon-3 Nephi 20:19 that convinced him the Book of Mormon wasn't true.

I appreciated his openess with me and it came to light the intense amount of faith required to seek and understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It reminded me of a poem by Carol Lynn Pearson called "To An Atheist" where she talks about using the right tools to determine if God exists. I keep trying to find the poem online but just keep running into Mormon blogs.

For Mother’s Day yesterday, I received a long stem rose. Spence broke the stem. He was concerned that I would be upset (I wasn’t). A little later he brought the rose to me planted in dirt in a vase. It made me think of my conversation on Friday with my atheist friend and how we apply a set of learning to life. He knows that flowers grow in dirt but was missing the concept that the growth is in the root development. It demonstrates how simple our understanding of this earth can be and the necessity of faith when I am too busy/lazy to study.
I am grateful.

Enough for to all.