Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I have been clinging to the end of the on-the-rack section of the department store for too long and I have to start paying some attention to my weight. I blame it on stress but this month I moved from misses to the womens department....and started a diet.

Now I am not above the quick fix so I investigated the Alli Weight Loss Program.

Funny but before I begin with their program, they want to assess my readiness. They think we are friends and that we will have friendly interaction before we begin. They don't realize the adversarial position they undertake as they seek to get between me and comfort. In addition, they expect me to commit. I do not know these people but here they are asking me if I am ready for Alli and what my plan is.

The feature of the plan that I find most attractive in the short term is that if you overdo with the fat content in your meals, the pill rewards you with unpleasant side effects referred to as "treatment effects." It seems similar to what happens to a post gastric bypass patient if they pig out.

Seems strange but I almost need the threat to get started. For 3 days I have made better choices and eaten normal sized portions. Who knows how long fear will battle desire but for today I am in control.

Hopefully, in a few months, I will no longer feel the need to hide in the back during photos or use my children to strategically hide my bulges. Or not.

This photo was from Celeste Bowler's baby shower. I also got a beautiful shot of one of my favorite bloggers so I will post in her honor.
Tomorrow is Michaela's 11th Birthday. She has been a total joy for me this past 11 years. I will dedicate a post for her tomorrow but when she was around 4 years old she told us all that her birthday was on July Tweleventh (11th). She is also convinced that on her visit to 7/11 tomorrow for a free slurpee, they will offer her the larger size since she shares a birthday with the establishment.
Enough for now...love to all.


Sheila said...

Aww, thanks for the picture. What a fun shower! I wish I could have stayed longer!

Good luck with Alli. I am very wary about weight loss supplements (Jennifer Rosenthal's liver transplant was an emergency after a weight loss supplement destroyed her liver), but hopefully the FDA knows what it is doing!!! I'm not trying to scare you, so just be careful!

7/11 is such a cool birthday!! She should get a free big slurpee!
Your July is full of birthdays (our family has 3 July birthdays too)!So fun!

Boyd Smith said...

Hey Stacey,
I saw the Alli thing for the first time today and I have to admit, I am confused. I thought there was no such thing as a diet pill that worked.

Let me know how well it works, because I'm sure I need it more than you. I have been way past the misses size for a long time.

Lately I have been found to say, "I just had another epiphany". A related epiphany occurred, on July 3rd (yes your birthday) while watching the history channel's documentary on the 4th. They were talking about how those who enter a food eating contest, train by drinking water. Bam! That is my problem, I drink to much water.