Friday, July 13, 2007

Michaela's birthday was on Wednesday. As I young girl, sometimes I would sneak a peek at my mothers journal (sorry Mom) looking to see how I figured into her life.

Michaela has been the joy in my life for 11 years. I love her spunk. In one of my favorite books, a father describes his son by saying, "there was a brightness in him." That is how I feel about Michaela, she has a brightness in her.
If we were contemporaries, instead of mother and daughter, I would have wanted to be her friend. She is a riot and not afraid to try anything, except scary rides. But she constantly challenges herself, she has committed to going on the Matterhorn her next trip to Disneyland.
She is fierce often taking on the older kids in games. She fares best in video games and can beat the older boys.
Someone in our new ward once described Michaela as a "friend maker." She easily accepts others into her circle.
I am so blessed to have the opportunity to parent this amazing spirit. Michaela, you are my best thing.
Enough for to all.


Justin said...


Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday from Me, Melissa, and our little Jackson. Melissa still talks about our trip to California and how much fun you and Spencer were. Let us know when you guys are in town. We would love to come see you.


Boyd Smith said...

Hope to see you tomorrow.
Love Uncle Boyd

Sheila said...

Wow! You're twins!
Happy birthday Michaela!

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We missed you at church today!

Reva Petersen said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Michaela!

I still remember when you were a baby how you would stare at your hands, twisting them so you got a look at every angle. You were fascinated looking at them, and I was fascinated watching you.

You know what I love about you? Your fearlessness. You have grown up to be one of the most interesting people I have ever known--you’re intelligent, you’re witty, and you’re clever. Add those all together, and throw in a cup of fearlessness, and the result is an amazing person who is going to make her mark on this world, and it will be stupendous!

I love you Michaela, and even though I don’t see you much, I think of you often.

Aunt Reva