Monday, November 27, 2006

We just got back last night from Salt Lake. We drove the 1400 miles this time. That is a very long time in the car but we enjoyed watching all the "Liken the Scriptures" DVDs and viewed High School Musical at least 5 times.

Each Thanksgiving I try to get the whole family together for photos. I got some beautiful shots, some of my favorites are posted. At Walmart, the photo tech asked me who the photographer was, the photos looked professionally shot to her. Okay, it was Walmart but I was a little proud of my photo efforts. I also went kinda crazy getting presents bought and wrapped for the family that will not be able to come to CA for Christmas. It was either get it done then or do it here and have to finish in time to mail.

It is becoming so confusing. We have been here in CA long enough to start really enjoying the weather and our ward. When we were in Utah, we were asked over and over, "when are you coming back to Utah? Frankly we just don't know and we are torn when we think of leaving or staying.

I am still trying to master the photoshop/photobucket/blog banner issue. I will get there eventually.

The quote today reminds me of Spence and Michaela in the car on this long drive.
I'm going to get as far away from you as possible, she said, & there's
nothing you can do to stop me. So, I shrugged & turned & started to walk
away. That's not fair, she said, you're not even trying.
Enough for now...Love to all.

1 comment:

carrie pearson said...

Love the photos. Hope you had a good time and stayed warm!