Monday, July 23, 2007

I bought some baby bottles for a little game at Celeste Bowler's shower. Well we never got around to the game but my dear baby boy Spencer managed to try it out anyway. I love this sweet young man child and plan to save this photo for his wedding video.
Well we had a great time in Utah. I drove home with Spence and Michaela. I was a little concerned because the DVD player wasn't working. I get the bright idea to buy some book on tape. Not much selection at Walmart but at Deseret Book in Cedar City we bought a copy of Fablehaven on CD. Fablehaven turns out to be a LDS version of Harry Potter. Honestly, it was a great listen for all ages. We made it halfway through the book before we pulled in to our driveway. Highly recommended for all ages.
Uncle Steve, Aunt Terra and Kyle called Saturday morning and told us they were bored at their "chateau" on Morro Bay so they drove an extra six hours to hang out with us in Seal Beach. We took the Aqua Taxi to Long Beach and saw "Hairspray." I loved the original John Waters version so it was a treat for me. Apparently, I was the only one who loved it. I guess the show is an acquired taste. I even enjoyed John Travolta is drag (he has not received great reviews). Thank goodness Zac Ephron from High School Musical was in the show or I would have had a full scale mutiny on my hands.
Enough for to all.


Boyd Smith said...

I'm glad to see you made it home safe. When you don't write in your blog, I worry. I think that this is the first time, in a long time, that you have gone a whole week.

Matt, Michelle and Amy saw Hairspray and all enjoyed. Still, I don't know if I'm ready for it.

I'm ashamed to say that the only movie that I have seen and enjoyed, in the last few years is Live Free or Die Hard. They really streched the PG13 rating.

Anyway,here I am prattling on, on your blog. It was great to see you and I'm glad your home. Love Boyd

Sheila said...

Oh my goodness, that picture is priceless! Spencer makes me laugh just thinking about him!
I really want to see Haispray! I'm sorry no one else enjoyed it like you did!
Take care!