Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Last night we had my friend Tiffany and Spencer's new best friend, Jose over to dinner. Jose shares a few passions with Spencer, and I totally appreciate his showing interest in Spencer's Pokemon collection (Pokemon is a racket I find difficult to bear, think of the mark-up on trading cards which retail for a buck a piece). Doug fixed a great roast as always and Tiffany and Jose brought incredible chocolate chip (can't call them cookies because they were huge) treats. I met Tiffany through my work and from the beginning I have been so impressed with focus, dedication and work ethnic. Besides which we share many of the same opinions about the challenges of our office.

We have become good friends with a number of younger couples since we moved here. Maybe it is our vain attempt to stay young. Or maybe it helps us bridge the gap with our own children. Last night after a rousing game of Disney Trivia and Whoonu (one of the Cranium games, quick to play and a fun way to get to know people), Michaela lured Jose and the group up to the loft to play Donkey Conga. Jose picked it right up and as bedtime neared, we sent Michaela and Spence off to bed.

The adults continued to talk about a number of issues political and not, including office politics, while I believed the kids were nestled away in bed. We said goodnight to Tiffany and Jose at about 11:15 and I went to look in on the kids to do the mother--straighten the covers thing. I opened the door to find Michaela reading "Hoot" to Spence. She informed me that she does thing every night (I guess if I am not reading to my children, someone has to take up the slack).

We talked about how much fun we had with Tiffany and Jose and a bit more about "personal space" (Spence would have crawled into Jose's lap if allowed, the Pokemon connection sealed his admiration). Then Michaela shared with me her feelings about Doug and I taking Jose and Tiffany away from video games with "our adult talking." They were having fun till we started talking about immigration and the cost of living in California (one of my preferred rants). I reminded her that when she has friends over, I let her decide what they do.
I feel so blessed to have these two children, the amaze, amuse, entertain and challenge me to be a better person. I can't imagine my life without the richness they bring.
I always wanted to invent something that would move around & make funny noises & would change the world as we know it & I forgot all about that until we had kids & now I see I came pretty close. --The Story People
Enought for now--love to all.

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