Thursday, May 31, 2007

Why is it so hard to accept that your kids may not always like you. Spencer has always had a difficult time waking up in the morning. Most mornings, I get up and wake him at 7:00 am. I stay in his room long enough for him to answer a question so I can insure he is awake. I then go about my business and begin the process of wondering if he actually got up. I listen for stirrings of activity. Then about 7:20 I go back into his room and remove the covers from his head (I have never known anyone who can wrap a blanket tightly and completely around his head to sleep. How does he breathe?). I have talked, yelled, indicated that it is not fair (highly ineffective) and still he continues to rely on me to provide this multi-phase waking ritual. This morning I went for the jugular. I grounded him from Game Boy for a day. While dropping him off, he gave me a really crusty look. I asked him what the problem was. He said, "A kid can't be expected to get up that early." I looked across the schoolyard and thought about all those children who shouldn't be expected to get out of bed by seven. I can't wait for High School and Seminary.
And I thought you had kids so you would never be without your friends.
Enough for now... love to all.


carrie pearson said...

Glad to finally get caught up with your blog. I am so glad Spence has taken after you and your love of mornings!!!!!

Boyd Smith said...

I'm afraid, you've got nothing over Mad Matty. Matt can provide full conversations while being asleep and everything makes sense. I'd have to wake him up three or four times a morning and that didn't always mean he'd get out of bed.

This is from your niece, Michelle, by the way.