Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Yin and Yang. On Sunday, I was at the church taking pictures for a baptism so I snapped a few shots of Spence and Michaela. Their approach to the picture in the tree so typifies their personalities. And each one carries a piece of my personality and my heart.

I was reading the Ensign yesterday and came on an article on a family service. We decided to do a family service project once a month through the end of the year. We will each rotate leading the activity. Spence is first and he has chosen to do blankets for The Nesting Place, a home for mothers who need a place to stay while they have their babies. He has always loved little children and babies.

I put together a baptism collage for one of my primary children. It turned out very nice so I will post. I love the picture of the font. I took this while the font was filling.
Enough for now...love to all.

1 comment:

Eric Pearson said...

i like the service project idea. i think i will start it with our kids. thanks for the idea.