Thursday, November 16, 2006

Okay, so I am now a part of our Enrichment Committee. I like to pretend that it is difficult but the reality is I love the creativity and being with these wise and wonderful women in Relief Society. We had our Fall Craft Night. I hosted the "Brag Books." Photo albums made by sewing together paper bags and decorating them. We had 18 at my table alone. Probably 50-55 women attend, aged from 24-84.

Yesterday at work we had a "let's get along better" training session. They gave us all Predictive Index tests and then showed the results to all members of our team. It was sort of eye opening for me and did explain some of the challenges with co-workers. I don't much will change bottom line but I should feign a little hope.

Tonight Michaela and I played basketball while waiting for a meeting at the church. I really love that she is athletic. I have always felt a little insecure about team sports. I was shooting baskets and actually making quite a few. Of course, being guarded by a 4 foot 5th grader has a certain advantage to it. My own mother never had to money or desire for us to play on teams when we were growing up. Oh well...gotta love livin through your children.

When I was young I always wanted to go exploring in a cave and when I got older I finally did & it was dark everywhere & there were strange sounds like your stomach after a big meal & I couldn't wait to get out. I figured out later that I mainly liked to go exploring caves in my mind where I could be comfortable & not get dirty & cold. If you read too much National Geographic when you're young it's hard to adjust to the real world.

Enough for now--Love to all.

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